We at the Tyrone Police Department want to make sure you are safe during these trying times. Not only should we be practicing social distancing and other recommendations from the CDC, it is imperative to remain vigilant against those who would prey upon others during this pandemic.
With more and more people turning to the online realm for shopping, entertainment, and communication during COVID-19, it is important that you are taking steps to make sure you are remaining safe. Always use passwords and other security measures when participating in online meetings using platforms such as Zoom and others. Never give out your personal information to someone online even if you think you know the person. It is becoming easier and easier for people to pose as friends and family in an attempt to steal IDs. Make sure you are using firewalls on your computer and password protection on your WiFi system. It is also a good idea to change your online passwords on a regular basis. If you are planning on getting away from it all during these unusual times, make sure to use our House Watch Program for extra security and safety of your home while you are away! Below are some links that will help you with your health, online security, and fraud protection: